On this page you can find an overview of the most recent changes in the area of maximum limits for plant protection products (including pesticides) and contaminants. The basis for this information is laid down in EU Regulation 396/2005 and EU Regulation 1107/2009.
EU Regulation 396/2005 lays down the procedure for setting maximum levels for pesticide residues in on food and/or feed of vegetable and animal origin. EU regulation 1107/2009 lays down the procedure for placing plant protection products on the market. For each active substance, it is considered whether it can be permitted on the EU market, or whether the authorisation is extended or withdrawn over time. MRLs are set after admission of new resources to the EU market. After withdrawal of an authorization, the MRLs can be changed. In addition, new research may show that it is necessary to change MRLs for certain product-pesticide combinations to protect safety for human and nature.
Eurofins can analyse the major of these active substances for you. If you have any questions about this, please contact ContaminantsBNL@eurofins.com. Eurofins carefully monitors this legislation and processes this information in the analytical systems so that you are always provided with an up-to-date analytical report.
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