Nuts, herbs, grains, mineral oils and vegetable oil products and 'oleochemicals': you often need these goods in the production process of your end product. These bulk goods are often found at a supplier abroad. Purchasing in India, Vietnam or Turkey is not always easy, you do not always know the quality of the goods and whether the supplier is reliable. As a European food standards agency, Eurofins Survey focuses on international food safety survey & food security. We investigate and inspect the quality of liquid and dry goods in the food and animal feed sector internationally. A solution for purchasing abroad.
Completely relieved of worries when purchasing abroad
Eurofins Survey carries out sampling in ports of arrival within the ARA region (Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp), but also in the ports of departure in the countries of origin of bulk goods and raw materials. We can also inspect during transport or loading and unloading. We check whether the goods are going to the storage or retailer in the right quantities under the right conditions, naturally in accordance with European legislation and regulations. The samples taken can be analyzed both in the Benelux and in our laboratories in the country of origin. Eurofins Survey provides everything from a single point of contact in the Netherlands. In this way, Eurofins Survey takes care of the entire supply chain for its customers.
At Eurofins Survey you have come to the right place:
- Sampling of liquid and dry bulk goods at home and abroad in accordance with European legislation and regulations for food safety
- Direct transport of the sample to a partner laboratory
- Quality inspection at the time of purchase and of the conditions in which the bulk goods are or will be transported
- Quantitative determination at the time of purchase and during loading or unloading
- Advice on cost savings in the chain and product risk management
- Purchase advice for goods based on on-site sampling and analyses.
Cost savings with additional quality control
From buying to selling to the retailer: as a manufacturer of food and animal feed, you incur a lot of costs before the product is in the shops. Sometimes things can be different. Suppose a manufacturer buys herbs from Asia and stores them in the Netherlands. He had hoped to buy premium quality, but it turns out to be B quality. He incurred costs for the storage and return of the lot. Employees of Logistics, Finance, Quality Assurance and Quality Control were busy with it. Having the consignment examined in its country of origin means that you can quickly anticipate on the basis of the correct information. And that saves time and storage costs. The insurance premium can also often be reduced: the risk for the buyer is smaller. Purchasing involves more costs, but at the same time you save a multiple of those costs in other areas if the quality does not turn out to be in order.
Are you interested in the services of Eurofins Survey? Contact our customer service department via telephone number: +31 (0) 180 643 000 or via e-mail: Our staff will be happy to tell you what we can do for you in your chain.
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